The producers of The Golden Bachelor show expressed interest in expanding the franchise to include a potential spinoff, The Golden Bachelorette, and Golden Paradise. The former Golden Bachelor star, Gerry Turner, also supports the idea of a spinoff, declaring that all of the women contestants he had on the show would be wonderful candidates for it. Turner and his chosen partner, Theresa Nist, will be sharing their journey to wed on a special, The Golden Wedding, to be aired on ABC in January. They have opted for a quick wedding due to their age and shared that they wanted to make the most of their time together.
The producers of The Golden Bachelor franchise are considering potential spinoff shows, including The Golden Bachelorette, based on the success of the original series.
The producers of The Golden Bachelor are looking to expand the franchise, and fans may have something new to look forward to. During a Producers Guild FYC panel in 2023, executive producer and showrunner Bennett Graebner hinted at the possibility of a Golden Bachelorette spinoff, expressing his enthusiasm and encouraging viewers to “stay tuned.”
Additionally, when discussing a new version of The Bachelorette, the audience clamored for potential leads, including Leslie Fhima, Faith Martin, Ellen Goltzer, Joan Vassos, and Sandra Masson – all women who vied for Gerry Turner’s affection during the show’s first season. The inaugural season of The Golden Bachelor captured the hearts of viewers, who witnessed Turner, 72, ultimately choose Nist, 70, as his partner over the other contestants.
Despite producers’ initial uncertainty about how audiences would respond to the show, The Golden Bachelor was an immediate hit, normalizing romantic relationships and love at any age. Amid talks about a potential spinoff and discussions about the success and impact of The Golden Bachelor, Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist are taking their romance to the next level. ABC will broadcast their wedding, aptly titled The Golden Wedding, in early 2024. Turner and Nist’s decision to wed swiftly after the series finale reflects their perspective on time at their age.
With initial success and a growing fan base, the future certainly looks bright for The Golden Bachelor franchise, hinting at even more romance and love stories brought to life on television. Turner’s willingness to see any of his former contestants as potential leads suggests that there could be exciting developments ahead for fans of the hit series. Stay tuned for more updates on what could be the next big thing in Bachelor Nation!